11 August 2000

PetsPyjamas wins Best Pet Store Poll

PetsPyjamas The on-line retail outlet for Premium Petcare Ltd has won most votes in the latest UKPets quick visitor poll which closed on Tuesday.

The poll which ran for two months from 05 June to 10 August, asked visitors to the site:

Which do you think is the best UK on-line Pet Store?

It gave a list of 7 major on-line retailers with links to each site.

The poll used environment variables to prevent visitors from making multiple submissions of their vote*. Nevertheless the results displayed obvious 'Block Voting Patterns'** especially in the early stages.

This resulted in the removal of 140 votes from the final count, reducing the number of votes from 649 to 509.

The results were as follows:

UKPets Poll

24.56% of voters said Petspyjamas
21.61% of voters said Petsonthebrain
16.31% of voters said Petplanet
14.34% of voters said None of the above
9.23% of voters said Petspark
5.50% of voters said Petsathome
4.32% of voters said Petz
4.12% of voters said Petmad

No. of votes counted : 509

* This did not prevent users with floating IP addresses logging off and logging back on with a new IP.

** Block Voting Patterns were identified using a simple pattern matching program which rejected votes showing similar root IPs and date/time stamps.