31 August 2000

Showstopping Frogs Get Their Own E-mail List

On the day that wildlife experts stopped work on Sydney's Olympic Park, the showpiece of the 2000 Games after finding that the rare green and golden frog had made its home in an unused quarry, a new community for lovers of large species frogs and toads has been announced.

The Bullfrogs Mailing list is a newly founded email discussion group for those interested in the larger species of frogs and toads that are found in the amphibian-keeping hobby. There is a profusion of groups and web sites catering for poison dart frogs, tree frogs and the smaller species of anuran (otherwise known as the tailless amphibians - the frogs and toads). However, similar resources for larger species are sorely lacking.

The various species of Bullfrog, Horned Frogs, the Marine Toad, the Smooth-sided Toad and other large anuran species are becoming more and more popular as pets and as a challenge for the serious hobbyist. The aim of this mailing list is to provide a forum for information exchange to help owners better understand their frogs and share their experiences. The list is open to anyone who wishes to join, from beginner to expert, young or old.

The list also has a home web site. Although only partially complete, the site contains an ever-expanding collection of information on individual species, along with a bibliography and an extensive list of links. The web site is located at:


and the list itself can be found at:
