17 January 2001

Success For New Voice ID Tag

The unique speaking Voice ID tag, first launched less than two months ago in UKPets Product News, has surprised its inventor in exceeding all expectations of sales.

Since December over 30 sales agents have taken on the Voice ID tag across the country, with great success. The high volumes of sales have enabled the creator, Sound Design UK Ltd, to reduce the cost price for trade to just £2.95.

The Voice ID has a variety of uses, including tagging pets, toddlers or young children, Alzheimer suffers, and luggage. The tag is small, lightweight, water resistant and easy to use. A ten second message is recorded, with name, address and telephone number, and played back by pressing the 'Press Me' button. The main advantage of the Voice ID is that the message can quickly be re-recorded if circumstances change, such as moving house or going away on holiday.

A family recently used Voice ID's on a skiing holiday to tag three children on the slopes. If the children happened to become separated from the ski school group the Voice ID had a message, in both French and English with name, hotel, telephone and mobile number, giving peace of mind to both the parents and the children.

Sound Design UK is amazed by its success saying:

"The product is a good idea, with many uses, but its sales have exceeded all expectations. There has been a lot of specialist and national press coverage, and seeing the Voice ID on TV was particularly exciting."

As New Year is a busy time for planning spring and summer holidays it is advisable to stock up on Voice ID. Voice ID has a retail price of just £6.99 and includes cell batteries for up to 300 recording. Colours include gold, black and gold and silver. A new chrome plated version will soon be available. A starter pack, containing 6 packs of 8 Voice ID's, is accompanied by a free counter display and window poster.

For an agent contact Sound Design UK Ltd on 01273 381517.