Butcher's Factory Decision Date Announced

Butcher's Pet Care and the residents of Coton Park have been told by Rugby Borough Council that a final decision on whether or not planning will be granted for a pet food factory to be built next to the estate, will be taken at a special meeting on December 18. [Need to catch up? See UKPets: A Balanced Report In The Daily Mail - Pigs Might Fly].

The Coton Park Residents Association, (CPRA) which was set up in June in response to the proposed pet food factory, has organised a number of protest events which have kept the issue in the news.

By October, the campaign had garnered the support of prospective Parliamentary Candidates for all three of the major political parties in Rugby.

Despite reassurances and the commissioning of independent studies into the impact the factory will have on the area, Graham Baker's pet food company has not managed to stem the tide of protest. Unfortunately for Butcher's, residents appear to be in optimistic mood as they approach the end of their campaign.