Pet Products Factory Plans Shelved

A long standing conflict between pet products manufacturer Pennine Industries and local residents of the Bolton housing estate Bradley Fold, has concluded with a refusal by Bury Metropolitan Borough Council to grant retrospective planning permission.

Residents became concerned in the Spring of 2007 at expansion works being carried out at the Pennine factory Radcliffe Mill site. Locals were worried about an increase in output from the factory and increasing traffic levels to and from the site.

It transpired that Pennine Industries' Managing Director, Mark Seddon had implemented the works without planning permission from the council. Following protests from the estate the council issued a stop works order to the company. Pennine then made a retrospective application for planning permission.

Bury Council consultated with over 100 local householders which resulted in 48 responses against the development and none in favour, plus a petition from the estate.

Planners finally refused planning permission to Pennine last Thursday saying the development: "would cause significant noise, disturbance and general activity that would be seriously detrimental to the residential amenities of the nearby occupiers."

Local reporters described the decision as a win for people power.