Life In Cold Blood Fuels Reptile Sales
According to the UK pet store chain, Pets at Home, more people than ever are interested in owning a reptile as a pet, thanks to BBC's Life in Cold Blood series. The company reports that sales of Fire-bellied Newts and Albino Clawed Frogs have more than doubled in some stores.
Following the debut of the David Attenborough series on 3 February, and its second instalment the following week, Pets at Home received a surge of enquiries from customers regarding keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets.
Steve Fairburn, Pets at Home, said:
"A programme like Attenborough's 'Life in Cold Blood' really ignites public interest as it shows a different side to reptiles and amphibians and helps us feel we can connect with these animals. Reptiles really can make fantastic pets, as they are quiet, fascinating to look at and relatively easy to look after and maintain. But be warned, they can live for over a decade.
"It is extremely important for anyone thinking of taking on a reptile or amphibian to assess which particular species would be suitable for their living situation. For example, some reptiles are a lot easier to feed than others, some require specific temperature and lighting control, and others are more tolerant to being handled.'
The series producer of Life in Cold Blood, Miles Barton, has also warned:
"Anyone thinking of having one as a pet, should research the subject very carefully, check that the animal is definitely captive bred and be prepared to spend a lot of money on their enclosures. Even better dig a pond to provide a home for wild ones."
The experience of Pets at Home is not necessarily repeated across the sector. Gordon Bloomfield of All Pet, (formerly the Reptile Ranch) said today:
"I can't say that I have noticed any difference in enquiries."