Leave Them In The Shelter, Dump Them In The Street

An advert about spaying and neutering cats and dogs is currently being run by Peta in the US. Never the shrinking violet, Peta has chosen a highly topical and controversial subject as the vehicle for getting its message across.

In a single 30 second scene a conversation takes place in a teenager's bedroom between mother, father and daughter. It is the classic 'sex talk', with quite a twist..

Father: "Honey, we need to talk."
Mother: "About sex."
Father: "..We think you should be having it sweetie."
Mother: "A lot of it."
Father: "Get out there and nail everything you can."
Mother: "If it's got a pulse you should be wrapped around it."
Daughter: "What if I get pregnant though?"
Father: "You should pop out all the kids you want."
Mother: "Absolutely."
Father: "Yeah can leave them in the shelter, dump them in the street, whatever."
Mother: "They're really not important."

Parents shouldn't act this way.
Nor should people with cats and dogs.
Always spay or neuter.

Are the new puppies' hormones getting out of control? Are they humping everything in sight? Maybe it's time to have that little talk with them. Be a responsible guardian, and help snip animal overpopulation at the source.

The piece has sparked outrage, most especially within some Christian communities. Tom Gilson of ThinkingChristian.net writes:

"I don't think I've ever seen or heard of a more outrageous commercial message. If shows in your market, I urge you quite soberly to call the TV station and scream."

..which of course is just the sort of reaction Peta was after.

Peta spokeswoman, Melissa Karpel told Fox News a few days ago:

"This is a way to get the message into the mainstream. It's irresponsible to let your children have unprotected sex and it’s irresponsible to not spay and neuter your animals when we’re in an animal overpopulation crisis in the United Sates."

The Peta ad can be viewed online here.