New Pets Website Teaches Duty of Care

A new website launches - aimed specifically at new pet owners. Your Right Pet came online today designed to help prospective pet owners to consider the five welfare needs of pets as defined by the Duty of Care in the Animal Welfare Act.

The site, which is run by the PDSA, includes a unique, computer-based formula which considers all the main issues before advising on a suitable companion animal for each new pet owner.

Sean Wensley, Senior Veterinary Surgeon, PDSA explaines:

"If people choose the wrong pet for their lifestyle, the animal is likely to suffer but with this new online tool you can find out quickly and easily which type of pet might best suit your lifestyle and circumstances. The tool represents a new and innovative part of our 'Long Live Pets' campaign.

"Owning and caring for an animal can be very rewarding and enjoyable but is also a big responsibility and a long-term commitment. Pet owners control their pet's lifestyle and it is now a legal requirement to make sure that the animal's needs are met, whatever the circumstances."

Under the Animal Welfare Act, owners have a legal 'Duty of Care' which means that the following five welfare needs of pets must be met:

  • Environment – make sure your pet has a suitable place to live

  • Diet – make sure your pet has a balanced diet that meets its nutritional needs

  • Behaviour – your pet should be able to behave normally

  • Company – make sure your pet's social needs are met

  • Health and Welfare – you must ensure your pet is in good health