Year: 2020

By now in any normal year, I would expect to be almost fully booked for Christmas cat sitting & pet sitting. It’s odd then, in this period of covid, to open the diary and find that my busiest day of …

Christmas Cat Sitting & Other Pets Read More »

Gosforth dog walkers using the bridle path at the northern end of the Ouseburn River are warned to watch out for wasps if they venture off the beaten path. This summer a ground-based wasps’ nest has established itself close to …

Wasp Warning For Gosforth Dog Walkers Read More »

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It is unlikely that you will need someone to provide cat sitting during the Coronavirus pandemic. People almost always only require a cat sitter’s service when they are travelling for work or heading off on holiday. In line with the …

Cat Sitting For A Coronavirus Patient Read More »

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Dog Walking During Coronavirus It is safe to let your professional one-to-one dog walker take your dog out for you if you are a key worker at work, self-isolating or shielding from coronavirus. There is no evidence that dogs can …

Professional Dog Walking During Coronavirus Read More »

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In researching the DNA history of dogs it should be noted that any study of a specific ‘pure breed’ or pedigree is complicated by the fact that its historic lineage is characterised by periods of crossbred admixture followed by strict, …

The DNA History of Dogs Read More »

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